The aim of the project is to identify potential disaster risks, utilize findings for efforts to reduce losses, build capacity for risk reduction, and develop technical, financial, and planning options to enhance climate change adaptation capacity and stakeholder resilience in line with EU and international policies.
The aim of the project is to identify potential disaster risks, utilize findings for efforts to reduce losses, build capacity for risk reduction, and develop technical, financial, and planning options to enhance climate change adaptation capacity and stakeholder resilience in line with EU and international policies.
“Promise for 2100” Climate Change and Disaster Management Project
Under the theme “Promise for 2100,” the Climate Change and Disaster Management Project, conducted by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), has prepared Disaster Risk and Hazard Maps related to climate change in Türkiye. The project, which started in March 2020, recently concluded with a closing meeting held at the AFAD Headquarters. In line with international initiatives, efforts have been made in two pilot provinces, Antalya and Trabzon, to reduce the disaster risks caused by climate change, manage these risks, and enhance local capacity and public awareness for climate adaptation.
The project, aimed at enhancing AFAD’s capacity and reducing disaster risks caused by climate change in the selected pilot provinces, consists of two main components. It is structured around designing, implementing, and monitoring medium and long-term climate adaptation actions for climate-resilient low-carbon development, including enhanced disaster risk reduction capacity. Ten municipalities were selected based on their susceptibility to disasters, with comprehensive data collection and analysis conducted in two pilot municipalities. These analyses led to the preparation of climate change-related disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation actions.